
Showing posts with the label Sanctuary

The Sanctuary of God

The New Testament applies Temple language and imagery from the Hebrew Bible to the Body of Christ, the habitation of the Living God . Apart from contacts between Jesus and the early church with the priestly authorities, the New Testament shows little interest in the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem. Far more frequently, we find terms from the Temple applied to the New Covenant community inaugurated by Jesus. What the Temple and the Tabernacle foreshowed came to fruition in the “ Body of Christ .”

Seated in the Sanctuary

The Man of Lawlessness will be unveiled when he takes his seat in the House of God - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. Jesus will not “ arrive ” to gather his “ elect ” until two events occur - The “ Apostasy ” and the “ Revelation of the Man of Lawlessness .” They are inextricably linked. This man’s unveiling in the Assembly will signal the imminence of the “ Day of the Lord .” Not only will he cause many to apostatize, but his real identity will be disclosed when he “ sits down ” in the “ Sanctuary .”