
Showing posts with the label Salvation

Mankind's Only Salvation

Jesus is the true Light of the World, the expression of God, and the only source of truth, life, and salvation . “ Life ” is found in the “ Word ” or ‘ Logos ’ of God, and this life is the “ Light of men .” It “ shines in the darkness ,” and the darkness is powerless to extinguish it. This ‘ Logos ’ became the Living Word of God manifested in the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. The glory and life of God radiate through Christ for all men to behold - (John 1:1).

Redemption of our Body

Paul links the bodily resurrection of believers to the New Creation. Both events are vital for our complete redemption – Romans 8:1-23. There is “ now no condemnation ” of anyone who is “ in Christ Jesus .” This happy condition exists because the “ law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death .” In his Letter to the Romans , the Apostle Paul links our salvation to the inheritance of Christ and the coming redemption of our bodies and creation itself .

Completion and Resurrection

Paul expresses his goal of going on to completion, a process that will culminate in bodily resurrection when Jesus arrives in glory . Paul instructed the congregation of Philippi to go on to “ completion ” in Jesus. Bodily resurrection must take place for the consummation of this process and the completion of our salvation. This will occur when Jesus appears “ on the clouds of Heaven .” God will continue to perform what He began with our conversion until “ the Day of Christ .” Salvation is a process throughout our lives.

Salvation and Wrath Revealed

Paul presents his gospel to the assemblies of Rome, a message for all men about God’s salvation and wrath . In his Letter to the Romans , Paul describes the message of salvation that he proclaims among the nations. The “ Gospel of God ” is the “ power of God for salvation ” to all men who accept and believe it. Due to humanity’s sin, two forces are at work in the world - righteousness and  wrath . Through His son, God has provided the solution to humanity’s desperate plight, one that is available to all men through the “ faith of Jesus Christ .”

Gospel of God

Paul presents his Gospel in Romans from humanity's plight due to sin to the resurrection of the dead and the New Creation . The Apostle Paul presents his most detailed explanation of the “ Good News of God ” in his Letter to the Romans . Paul was dealing with conflicts between Gentile and Jewish believers in the Assembly and preparing the ground for taking the Gospel to the western regions of the Roman Empire. In the process, he addressed related topics, including death, redemption, the Law, resurrection, and the New Creation.

Jesus Saves!

The Good News announced by Jesus offers salvation and life to men and women of every nation and people . Jesus of Nazareth declared: “ All authority in heaven and on earth is given to me, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations .” He then sent his disciples to announce the salvation purchased by his death to the “ ends of the Earth .” The Age of Salvation commenced with his Death and Resurrection; therefore, his  life-giving  message must be announced to all men. The Son of God has achieved salvation for his people!

Jews and Gentiles

The equality of Jews and Gentiles before an impartial and just God is pivotal to Paul’s Gospel. They stand or fall before Him on the same basis . Paul wrote his  Letter to the Romans  with two purposes. First, to prepare the ground for his visit to the city and his planned missionary trip to Spain. Secondly, to deal with conflicts between Jewish and Gentile believers. In the Letter, Pual explained his Gospel, and he then discussed the status of the Jewish people and the conflicts troubling the Roman Church.

Good News for all men

After his resurrection, Jesus declared: “ All authority in heaven and on earth is given to me, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations! ” He then sent his disciples to announce his salvation to the “ ends of the Earth .” The Era of Salvation commenced with his Death and Resurrection. His life-giving message must be announced to all men. The Messiah of Israel has liberated his people from bondage to sin and the never-ending cycle of death!

Faith of Jesus

Having demonstrated that all men violate God’s revealed will, Paul concludes that no one is acquitted before Him “ from the works of the Law .” Instead, men and women are justified “ through the faith ” or faithfulness OF Jesus - They are reconciled with their Creator because of the gracious act of Jesus on their behalf. Since all men deserve condemnation and death, all they can do is respond with repentance and faith to what God has done for them.

Salvation and Resurrection

The biblical faith is forward-looking and foundational to our salvation is the resurrection of the dead. That event will coincide with the arrival of Jesus. It is based on the past resurrection of Jesus, and our salvation will remain incomplete until he raises the dead, transforms those believers who remain alive, and “ gathers ”  ALL  his saints to himself (“ He will send his angels, and they will assemble his elect from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven ”).

Salvation Revealed

In his Letter to the Romans , Paul describes in detail the message of salvation that he proclaims among the nations. He declares that it is the “ power of God for salvation ” to all men who accept it. Due to humanity’s sin, two forces are at work in the world - Righteousness and Wrath . In Jesus of Nazareth, God has provided the solution to humanity’s desperate plight and made it available to all men through the “ faith OF Jesus Christ .”

Awaiting His Son

The saints in Thessalonica responded to the preaching of the Gospel by turning from “ idols to serve the living and true God .” Their life orientation changed radically because of their new faith in and allegiance to Jesus Christ. Rather than a comfortable life in Macedonia, they chose a path that virtually guaranteed opposition and persecution.

Incomplete Salvation

Central to the hope of the Apostolic Faith is the bodily resurrection of the dead. This will occur when Jesus appears at the end of the age . The biblical faith is forward-looking. Foundational to the doctrine of salvation is the resurrection of the righteous dead. That event will also mark the arrival of the New Creation. The New Testament links the resurrection of the saints to two events. The past Resurrection of Jesus, and his arrival at the end of the age. Our salvation will remain incomplete until Christ raises us from the dead.

Plight to Solution

In his Letter to the Romans , the Apostle Paul argues from plight to solution. The Gospel that he proclaims is the “ power of God for salvation .” Due to sin, two forces are at work in the world – Righteousness and Wrath . In his Son, God has provided the solution to the desperate plight of all men that is now available to all on the same basis - “ from the faith of Jesus Christ .” Moreover, this “ Good News ” was promised beforehand in the Hebrew scriptures and is now being fulfilled as the Gospel is preached.

The Faithfulness of God

The righteousness of God refers to His faithfulness. He fulfills His promises, and this is demonstrated by the salvation He has provided in Jesus . Paul stresses the “ righteousness of God ” in his Letter to the Romans, the righteousness that is revealed whenever the Gospel is proclaimed. This message is the “ power of God for salvation to everyone who believes ,” including “ Jews and Greeks ” alike. Salvation is available to all men through the “ faith of Jesus Christ ,” God’s “ Righteous One ” (“ From faith for faith… My Righteous One will live from faith ”).

Rescued from this Evil Age

Paul claimed that the source of his apostleship was the same God who raised His Son from “ among dead ones ” (literal rendering). This same Messiah died and was raised from the dead to “ deliver us from this evil age .” In  Galatians , The Apostle was responding to certain “ men from Jerusalem ” who were operating in the Assembly as if the old era was still in effect, insisting that Gentiles must be circumcised and keep the Jewish calendar, and challenging Paul’s Apostolic authority and credentials.

Sons of Light

Paul provided the Assembly in Thessalonica with instructions on how believers must live in anticipation of the “ Day of the Lord .” It will not overtake them since they “ are not in darkness .” They are the “ Sons of Light ” and the “ Sons of the Day .” Unlike the unrighteous of this fallen age, the watchful believer who lives in the light of the Gospel will not be caught off guard by that Day’s sudden arrival.

The Works of the Law

Sin is the Great Leveler that places everyone in the same predicament: Bondage now, death and “ wrath ” later. No one is exempt from the penalty of sin, and no one has a legitimate excuse for trespassing the commandment of God who will “ render to each according to his works .” But what, precisely, did the Apostle Paul mean when he brought “ works ” into the discussion? Good deeds and human efforts in general, or something more specific?