
Showing posts with the label Messiah

On the Messianic Throne

Christ’s reign from the Messianic Throne began following his Death, Resurrection, and Exaltation to God’s presence – Psalms 110:1. The New Testament links Christ’s enthronement to his Resurrection and subsequent Exaltation by applying key Messianic texts to his life. He qualified to reign from God’s “ right hand ” because of his “ obedience until death, even death on the Cross .” This was confirmed when God raised him from the dead and seated him “ at His right hand ” where he now rules over the Universe.

You are My Son

The Kings of the Earth conspired to unseat the Messiah, but God instead resurrected him and exalted him to the Messianic Throne – Psalm 2:1-6. The  Second Psalm  is a key passage applied to Jesus in the New Testament, especially in the  Book of Hebrews . When were its predictions fulfilled, and is the Messiah now reigning on David’s Throne, or is the world still waiting for his enthronement? What about the predicted “ revolt ” of the nations and the Kings of the Earth against the Son of God? -  (Psalm 2:1-6)?

The Promises of God

The promises of God find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. “ IN HIM ,” they find their “ yea ” and “ amen .” The things that were once “ hidden ” are revealed in the life, words, death, resurrection, and exaltation of the Son of God, the one in whom all the shadows and types prefigured in the Hebrew Bible are actualized. All God’s “ mysteries ” are laid bare for all men to see in the Nazarene, especially in his death and resurrection.

Preaching Another Jesus

When certain “ super-apostles ” began undermining his authority, the Apostle Paul warned the Assembly in Corinth not to heed anyone who “ proclaimed another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or a different spirit, or a different Gospel .” He pointed to the same Jesus that he first proclaimed, the “ Crucified Messiah ,” the Jesus who is the measuring rod against which all other messianic claimants must be evaluated.