

[Click on the title below to open an article]

  1. Juifs et Gentils - {Copie PDF} - (L'égalité des Juifs et des Gentils devant un Dieu impartial et juste est essentielle à l'Évangile de Paul. Ils se tiennent debout ou tombent devant Lui sur la même base)
  2. Aux quatre coins de la Terre - {Copie PDF} - (Jésus a convoqué ses disciples pour proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle de son Royaume à tous les coins habités de la Terre)
  3. L'Évangile de Dieu - {Copie PDF} - (Paul présente son Évangile dans Romains de la détresse de l'humanité due au péché à la résurrection des morts et à la Nouvelle Création)
  4. Selon l'Écriture - {Copie PDF} - (Paul présente son ministère à l'Église de Rome et commence à expliquer l'Évangile en identifiant les qualifications messianiques du Christ)
  5. La foi d'Abraham - {Copie PDF} - (La foi d'Abraham incirconcis est un exemple pour les croyants juifs et gentils qui vivent de la foi de Jésus - Romains 4: 11-17)
  6. Salut et Colère - {Copie PDF} - (Paul présente son évangile aux assemblées de Rome, un message pour tous les hommes sur le salut et la colère de Dieu)
  7. Notre Salut Achevé - {Copie PDF} - (La résurrection corporelle des morts est au cœur de la doctrine du salut enseignée par la Foi Apostolique. La résurrection aura lieu lorsque Jésus reviendra)
  8. La Rédemption de notre Corps - {Copie PDF} - (Paul relie la résurrection corporelle des croyants à la Nouvelle Création. Les deux événements sont vitaux pour notre rédemption complete - Romains 8: 1-23)
  9. La Justice de Dieu - {Copie PDF} - (La justice de Dieu se réfère à Sa fidélité. Il accomplit Ses promesses, et cela est démontré par le salut qu'Il a fourni en Jésus)
  10. Le Gage de l'Héritage - {Copie PDF} - (Les disciples de Jésus sont les Héritiers d'Abraham, et la possession future de la totalité de l'héritage est garantie par le Don de l'Esprit)

  1. According to Holy Scriptures - {PDF Copy} - (Paul introduces his ministry to the church in Rome and begins his exposition of the Gospel by identifying Christ’s qualifications to be the Messiah)
  2. The Gospel of God - {PDF Copy} - (Paul presents his Gospel in Romans from humanity's plight due to sin to the resurrection of the dead and the New Creation)
  3. Jews and Gentiles - {PDF Copy} - (The equality of Jews and Gentiles before an impartial and just God is pivotal to Paul’s Gospel. They stand or fall before Him on the same basis)
  4. Salvation and Wrath Revealed - {PDF Copy} - (Paul presents his gospel to the assemblies of Rome, a message for all men about God’s salvation and wrath)
  5. From Faith for Faith - {PDF Copy} - (Men are not set right before God from the works of the law but from the faith of Jesus Christ)
  6. The Faithfulness of God - {PDF Copy} - (The “righteousness of God” refers to His faithfulness to His promises, which is demonstrated in the salvation He has provided in Jesus)
  7. Day of Wrath - {PDF Copy} - (According to Paul, the Day of Wrath is coming when the wicked will pay the ultimate price for their disobedience to God – Romans 2:5)
  8. Plight to Solution - {PDF Copy} - (In Romans, Paul argues from plight to solution as he presents his gospel to the churches of Rome, a message for both Jews and Greeks)
  9. The Works of the Law - {PDF Copy} - (In Paul’s letters, references to justification by “works” have a specific category of works in view – the works of the law)
  10. The Faith of Jesus - (Men are not acquitted before God from the works of the Law but through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ – Romans 3:21-26) -{PDF Copy}
  11. Abraham's Seed - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the promised Seed of Abraham, the heir of the covenant promises, and receipt of the inheritance is based on faith in Him)
  12. The Faith of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (The faith of uncircumcised Abraham provides an example for Jewish and Gentile believers who live from the faith of Jesus – Romans 4:11-17)
  13. The Inheritance of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (The disciples of Jesus are the Heirs of Abraham, and the future possession of the full inheritance is guaranteed by the Gift of the Spirit)
  14. Coheirs with Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (The covenant with Abraham is fulfilled in Jesus, his seed and heir, including the promise of land – Romans 8:1-23)
  15. Message and Mission - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus summoned his disciples to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to every inhabited corner of the Earth)
  16. The Redemption of our Body - {PDF Copy} - (Paul links the bodily resurrection of believers to the New Creation. Both events are vital for our complete redemption – Romans 8:1-23)
  17. The Arrival of the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit is part of the New Covenant, and the first fruits of the New Creation and the gathering of the nations)
  18. If God is for us... - {PDF Copy} - (Paul summarizes what God did for believers in Jesus and prepares for his explanation of the status of the Jewish people – Romans 8:18-39)
  19. Salvation and Resurrection - {PDF Copy} - (Central to the future hope of the Apostolic Faith is the bodily resurrection of the dead when Jesus arrives to gather his saints)
  20. Food and Calendars - {PDF Copy} - (Paul argues for tolerance in the church on food regulations and observing holy days since the shadows find their fulfillment in Jesus)
  21. Governing Authorities - {PDF Copy} - (Paul instructs believers living in the Roman Empire not to resist the government since its existence and authority are arranged by God)
  22. Incomplete Salvation - {PDF Copy} - (Central to the hope of the apostolic church was the bodily resurrection of the dead at the end of the age when Jesus returns)
  23. Spirit and Resurrection - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit is the First Fruits of the bodily resurrection and a foretaste of the promised New Creation)
  24. The Neronian Problem - {PDF Copy} - (God allows evil rulers to govern nations and uses them to accomplish His purposes, and He summons believers to show them due respect)
  25. A Female Apostle - {PDF Copy} - (It is unclear whether Paul’s reference to a Junias who was of note among the apostles was a man or a woman)
  26. Now Made Manifest - {PDF Copy} - (The mysteries of God previously hidden are revealed in Jesus of Nazareth, and especially in his death and resurrection)

Rome Photo by Nicole Reyes on Unsplash
[Rome Photo by Nicole Reyes on Unsplash]