Revelation of our Lord
At the revelation of Jesus from Heaven, the saints will experience glory, but the wicked will receive everlasting destruction.
Apostle Paul describes members of the Corinthian congregation as those “eagerly
waiting for the Revelation of our Lord Jesus,” which he connects to the “Day
of the Lord.” In his letters, Paul refers to Christ’s return as the ‘Parousia’
(“arrival”), the ‘erchomai’ (“coming”), and the ‘epiphaneia’
(“manifestation”) of Jesus, as well as his “Revelation” or ‘apocalypsis.”
By comparing how Paul applies these
terms, it becomes apparent that the same event is in view. Moreover, whichever noun he uses is always in the singular number.
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[Photo by Karthik Sreenivas on Unsplash] |
Paul points to this future hope to encourage the Assembly in Corinth to progress further in the faith, “So that you come short in no gift of grace, ardently awaiting the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will also confirm you to the end blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ” - (1 Corinthians 1:4-9).
He thanks God for enriching the Corinthians in knowledge
and “gifts,” and in the context of the letter, the reference is to the “gifts
of the Spirit” detailed in chapters 12 and 14. Rather than overvalue
spiritual “gifts,” they must remember that they are still waiting for the
fuller glories that will be realized at Christ's " Revelation from Heaven.”
His reference to the “Revelation of the Lord”
introduces the theme of right conduct since Paul does take the Corinthians to
task for tolerating unacceptable behavior. They need to be found “blameless
on that day.” Correct conduct is necessary, especially in consideration of
Christ’s future arrival.
The English term “revelation” translates
the Greek noun ‘apokalypsis’, which means “revelation, disclosure; an
unveiling.” On that day, what was previously hidden from the world will be
revealed, namely, Jesus Christ in his glory.
God will “confirm” the Corinthians “until
the end.” The Greek term translated as “until” means that God will
continue to confirm believers until the last moment, which, among other things,
indicates some believers will remain alive when Jesus appears.
The English word “blameless” translates the
Greek legal term for persons against whom charges can no longer be leveled (‘anegklétos’).
They are “unimpeachable, guiltless, irreproachable.” No one will bring charges against “blameless”
saints when they stand before the Lord Jesus Christ.
The “Day of our Lord Jesus Christ” is Paul’s adaptation of the biblical term “Day of the LORD” from the Hebrew Bible, the day Yahweh would deliver his children, judge His enemies, and conclude the existing age. By adding “Jesus Christ” to the term, Paul has centered this ancient hope on the Nazarene.
His description of the “Revelation of our Lord”
echoes the saying of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of Luke when the Lord warned
that the “days will come when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man
and will not see it.” Likewise, his followers are “eagerly
awaiting,” longing
to see him.
That day will be a time of “revelation,” not only because
the world will see Jesus, but also because the “blameless” status of the
saints will be confirmed and unveiled for all humanity to see.
Paul expressed the same idea in his first letter
to the Thessalonians when he declared his hope that God would increase their love
for him and others. By doing so, their faith would become complete, enabling
them to stand “blameless” before God when Jesus “arrives” at
his ‘Parousia’ - (1 Thessalonians 3:11-13).
In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul
encouraged the congregation to persevere despite “persecutions and
tribulations.” Persecution by the world is “evidence of the just
judgment of God so that you be considered worthy of the Kingdom of God on
behalf of which you are suffering” - (2
Thessalonians 1:2-10).
Suffering for the sake of Jesus and his Gospel is a
matter of rejoicing rather than despair. It demonstrates that God honors the
faithfulness of His saints. It is a great privilege to be accounted worthy to
suffer for Jesus.
Persecution also demonstrates God’s justice. Just
as faithful believers will be rewarded on that day, so their persecutors will
reap condemnation “since it is just for God to afflict
those afflicting you… at the revelation
of the Lord Jesus from heaven.”
The Greek clause translated as “in
flaming fire” refers to the “fire” of destruction that will befall
the wicked on that final day, “everlasting destruction” and banishment
from the presence of the Lord. His “Revelation” will mean glory for
those who believed the “witness” of the Gospel, but “affliction”
and “destruction” for all who rejected it and resisted the Gospel.
The English term “destruction”
translates the Greek noun ‘olethros’, the same word Paul applied in his
first letter for the “unexpected destruction” that will befall
the unprepared on the “Day of the Lord” - (1 Thessalonians 5:3).
That day will mean our “gathering
together” to Jesus “when he comes to be made all-glorious in his saints
and to be marveled at in all who believed.” His arrival will result in our
“salvation” and the “obtaining of the glory of Jesus,” because we “believed in the
truth” of the Gospel – (2 Thessalonians 2:1-14).
that day comes, the “Apostasy” must occur along with the “Revelation
of the Man of Lawlessness.” His unveiling will mean his destruction since Jesus
will destroy him at the “manifestation of his arrival” or ‘Parousia’.
The unrighteous and apostates will be “judged,” because they “received
not the love of the truth.”
descriptions demonstrate that Christ’s single return at the end of this age will
affect believers and unbelievers. The saints will be vindicated and the wicked condemned.
His “Revelation” will coincide with the “Day of the Lord,” which
is why Paul elsewhere labels it the “Day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
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- Day of Christ - (Jesus will arrive on the Day of the Lord when the dead are raised, the wicked are judged, and death will cease forever)
- Disinformation - (At the revelation of Jesus, the saints will experience glory, but the wicked receive everlasting destruction)
- Final Events - (In explaining the future resurrection, Paul lists the key events that will precede or coincide with the arrival of Jesus)
- Événements Finaux - (En expliquant la résurrection, Paul énumère les événements clés qui précéderont ou coïncideront avec l'arrivée du Christ à la fin des temps)
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